Trang chủ / Consult / Service to establish 100% foreign-invested enterprise

Service to establish 100% foreign-invested enterprise

In recent years, the flow of direct investment of foreign investors into Vietnam has been constantly increasing due to the impact of our country’s FDI attraction policy. Along with that, the demand for legal advice of foreign investors is also more.

In order to provide investors with a solid legal fulcrum, AMI would like to offer investors service to establish a 100% foreign-invested enterprise.

What do customers need to prepare?

In order to establish an economic organization with 100% foreign capital, foreign investors should prepare the following documents:

  • For individual investors: Passport or other equivalent personal identification document (certified copy)
  • For institutional investors: the establishment decision or an equivalent document certifying the legal status (Consular legalized translation + Original (if separate from translation)); Passport or valid documents to replace the passport of the legal representative of the organization (Certified copy); Passport or valid documents to replace the passport of the authorized representative to manage the contributed capital of the organization in the company will be established (certified copy)
  • Documents proving the financial capacity of the investors: the investor’s financial statement of the last 2 years; financial support commitment of the parent company and of a financial institution; guarantee for the investor’s financial capacity; and document explaining the investor’s financial capacity (Consular legalized translation + Original (if separate from translation));

What results do customers receive when using AMI services?

When using the service of establishing a 100% foreign-invested enterprise at AMI, you will receive the following results:

  • Investment registration certificate;
  • Written approval of investment policy (if any);
  • Enterprise registration certificate of newly established company;
  • The seal of the company has published the seal form;
  • Completing the initial tax return.

Consulting services related to investment advisory activities to establish 100% foreign-invested enterprises:

AMI will support customers when they need to register to establish a company with 100% foreign invested capital operating in the following specific fields:

  • Investing in establishing 100% foreign-invested enterprises operating in Vietnam in the field of restaurants and hotels
  • Investing in establishing a 100% foreign-invested enterprise operating in Vietnam providing architectural services
  • Investing in establishing a 100% foreign-invested enterprise operating in Vietnam to provide travel services and tour management in Vietnam.

In addition, AMI advises other related legal services such as:

  • Advising on procedures for issuing branch operation certificates;
  • Consulting to set up representative offices for companies with 100% foreign capital;
  • Consulting for construction permit;
  • Advising on procedures related to tax, labor, finance,…
  • Consult other relevant procedures for project implementation.

Investment in the establishment of an economic organization with full capital of foreign investors is a very complicated legal procedure. To be simple and effective, investors can use  100% foreign-invested enterprise establishment service of AMI to serve you.

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